Close Call 12/1/2019

Kabetogama fishing report, ice update and outdoors report.  12/1/2019


Fortunately, the recent winter storm that dumped almost two feet of snow to our south gave us the best gift this holiday season so far.  No snow! YES, of course we all LOVE snow in the Northland, just not quite yet! Kabetogama lake was spared and is now making good ice. Spear fishing has been great, and we look to be on track for some early season hard water angling on the main lake in the not too distant future.  Ice thickness varies dramatically throughout the area so be sure to give Gateway a call for the latest updates. You can also check the latest ice conditions on the Voyageurs National Park website and Facebook page. Safety is priority. We have a long winter ahead of us.

As some anglers begin to venture out in search of walleyes and perch, most are staying close to shore and having excellent success in their spear houses.  Ben, at Sandy Point Lodge, was happy to report that this past weekend was very good and some nice fish came up through their spear holes. If you haven’t experienced a spear fishing adventure, it’s something you need to give a try.  Watching numerous species of fish swim by a dark house hole is like having your own personal wild aquarium. When a big northern pike shows itself, the experience is like no other. Give Sandy Point Lodge a call and they can set you up with a trip you won’t soon forget!

As far as angling goes, reports are few and far as ice conditions are not safe enough to venture out quite yet.  That will change though as we have no snow on the lake to insulate the ice meaning it won’t be long. Again, make sure to call ahead for the latest ice conditions.

This past weekend, volunteers were out clearing the snowmobile trails in preparation for the next snowfall that will allow for some grooming.  Low areas and beaver ponds are still wet, so some cold weather is needed to freeze these spots up. It won’t be long though, as we have no snow foretasted and some needed cold weather this upcoming week.

The much anticipated Kabetogama Christmas Party is this Saturday, December 7th at the Kabetogama Town Hall.  Potluck dinner begins at 5:30. French dip, turkey sandwiches and beverages will be provided.  Please bring a dish or dessert to share. Get your picture taken with Santa starting at 6:30 with treats for all the kids!  We will be accepting “free will offerings” for our neighbor Casey Deziel. His home, Voyageur Park Lodge, was destroyed on November 11th.  If you can’t attend and would like to make a donation, you can send it to 10463 Waltz Rd. Kabetogama MN 56669.

As always, here at Gateway we have all your essentials when heading out for your winter adventure.  We are stocked up on spearing decoys as well as minnows including shiners, rainbows and chubs. If you forgot something at home, stop on in.  Pretty sure we have what you need.

All is pointing to be an excellent start to the winter season on Kabetogama and Voyageurs National Park.  Come and visit, you definitely won’t be disappointed! 

Safe travels and we’ll see you soon!




Fishing Report February 27th 2017

  Kabetogama-Namakan-Ash River Fishing Report 2/27/17   Well folks the hard water season for most gamefish has closed on Kabetogama. Perch, Crappie and Rough Fish

Minnesota Boating on Lake Kabetogama

If you’re heading to northern Minnesota for summer vacationing then you likely have boating on Lake Kabetogama at the top of your list –  and